Yes, this was the show that gave Anthea
'Stomach' Turner her big break, but judge not too
harshly: somehow, the programme wasn't as bad as it
sounds at this remove. Even Anthea Turner was nowhere
near as annoying then (though, like Sophie Aldred, her
natural environment is Children's Telly, and whoever let
her out into the grown up world needs slapping). Despite
this, however, it is most remembered - as is only fair -
for the occasion when Anthea Turner caught fire while
reporting from the Royal Tournament.
- The set was odd - a
stark white affair with the presenters grouped in the
middle, around a pedestal made up of the letters
"UP2U". While the show came "Live from the
centre of Manchester", each week one of the three
would be out and about on the "Roving Eye".
Improving filmed reports came from canal-boat dwelling
cyclist Nick Sanders (ex of It's
After UP2U, Turner swiftly moved
on to Blue Peter - apparently to fulfil her lifelong ambition -
Jenni Powell presented a wildlife programme for Children's BBC,
and Tony Dortie... Tony Dortie was one of the presenters on the
early-90's revamp of Top of the Pops, where he was quite
annoying. "Laters" - that was his catchphrase.
- Cartoons included